Jerri was officially named best
actress at the Action on
Film International Film Festival
in Long Beach, California for her work in the film

Jerri Manthey's dress by LURE

Welcome to Jerri Manthey's
Official Website!

Here you can find the latest Jerri info including her upcoming appearance schedule, newest photos, clips from movies and television and a list of all her favorites.You can even read her recent journal entries and get insight into her personal thoughts and ideas. Join her fan club to get all the latest e-mailed directly to your inbox!

Jerri is available for personal appearances, speaking engagements, radio and television interviews as well as theatrical and hosting work. Contact Marrissa O�Leary at Select Artists Management for further information by dialing 310.458.6858 for more details.

Photograph by Arny Freytag
Playboy Magazine © 2001
� Copyright 2004- 2005 Jerri Manthey | Powered by Tango Blues Entertainment | Design by Andrew Briskin